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HORIBA Process Instruments
630 Komas Drive #310
Salt Lake City, Utah 84108-1229
Phone: (801) 322-1235
Fax: (801) 322-5607
If you’re having issues with a current system, or even if you only have questions, Click on the link, supply us with a little information, and we will get back to you within the next 24 hours
Click the link to find a representative near you, who can answer questions, and provide you with custom solutions to make your process (and life) a little easier
Do you have an application or process not listed on our site? Click the link, and provide us with some general information about what you’re looking for. Our R&D people will be in contact within 24 hours to investigate the possibility that Raman Scattering could be of benefit. Application investigation does not obligate you to buy, so there really is no risk involved for the potential client.