Additional Gasoline Parameters Measured via Raman

Additional Gasoline Parameters Measured with Process Instruments Raman

In addition to Octane, Butane, and ethanol measurements, a PI-200 can accurately measure a number of additional parameters used in both gasoline blending, as well as component rundown lines.


Total aromatics
Total olefins
API gravity
Distillation points
E200 and E300
Drivability Index

1TV/L = temperature for vapor/liquid ratio
2SEP = standard error of prediction
3“R” = reproducibility
4GC = gas chromatography
5FIA = fluorescent indicator adsorption

Typical SEP2 (ASTM “R” = 2 x SEP)3

0.02 vol %, based on GC4 data
0.02 vol %, based on GC data
0.5 vol %, based on FIA5 data
0.6 vol %, based on FIA data
0.1 oF
1.0 – 2.0 oF
0.4 oF
0.9 oF